Tuesday, April 8, 2008


A successful applicant, (his name), for architect position in the architectural subdivision of employer s company will proceed planning, designing and organizational processes of the corporation. (Applicant s name), who graduated from (the name of the private school or some other educational establishment) in (year), and has already achieved a considerable amount knowledge of the subject and skills being in 3 year course of studying in (for example, BA Hons Architecture). The range of courses with high grades received there is the best confirmation of professionalism of the applicant: Year 1: Architectural Representation: A, Introduction to Architectural Design: B+, Introduction to Architectural Psychology: B, Introduction to Architectural Theory and History: B+, Introductory Technology: B, Architectural Design in Context: B+. Year 2: Interdisciplinary/Practice: B+, Sustainability and Technology: B+, Integrating Landscape (Architectural Design 1): B+, Integrating Technology (Architectural Design 2): B+, Issues in Architectural Theory and History: B+, Psychology of Colour and Light: B+, Digital Culture: B+. Year 3: Advanced Technology, Architectural Design, Preparation for Practice. The Final Year Dissertation theme is (its title), thus (Applicant s name) possesses inventive skills of the architectural design. (Applicant s name) s computers skills are rather high, as this candidate possesses a good comprehension of the following programs: PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Photoshop, Adobe, Illustrator etc. The (Applicant s name) has a useful experience of applying the computer skills. Another advantage of (Applicant s name) is knowledge of English, German and Greek languages. This candidate possesses a prosperous background of participation in the arts and design sphere, in particular: during 4 years the candidate studied photography, practiced this course, created sketchy and practical drawings, and was rather interested in engraving, illustration, sketching and graphics creating. Hobbies and interests of the applicant are often connected with his subject of study (in this case, it is architecture). In 1920s-1930s a fashion designer Madeleine Vionnete inspires (Applicant s name) with her unique sculptural design. (Applicant s name) supposes that classic works of Paul Rudolph, more recent works of such architects as Fernado Romero, Zaha Hadid, Shuhei Endo, Frank Gehry, Sugeru Ban and Toyo Ito helped the candidate to find out his own architectural style and improve the understanding of classical architecture as well as modern one. The candidate s individual architectural style is mostly minimal in forms however with the usage of angles. Rich experience of learning and traveling helps (Applicant s name) in creating innovational and even unique architectural designs. To sum up, a huge variety of deep understanding of the subject and achieved skills should persuade the employer that the employment of this candidate in staff of the architects of the company will help it benefit and precede its further development.
Andrew Bolton is an experienced freelance writer. Having successfully completed a number of academic assignments, he now is willing to share his experience in academic writing including Editing a dissertation and Dissertation Research Proposal Dissertations proposalsDissertation Examples.

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